Just Sharing

Everyone has his or her beautiful story and a wonderful message to share about life.
Simple life, honest message can make the difference if we can alway accept other as it is.
Just think, WE ARE IMPERFECT HUMAN BEING, so, don't expect people to be perfect too.
Learn to see into our own weaknesses, learn to listen to our voices of fear.
They are the obstacles to the truth and happiness.
We can change it only when we realises that the journey to our seeking doesn't come from condemnation but faith to believe and a listening.
Everyone has it own greivances, his or her short coming.
Do not lose hopes in this tragic and imperfect nature we have.
From the start we are not perfect at all.
Whether we have sin or karmaic action commit in the past, we are relocated here to pay back what we had done for our past, deeds.
All these are collective karma needs to be settled.
It may takes many life times.
Everyone too has an opportunity to blast his way to Buddhahood depending each of individual sincerity of cultivation.
Perfection don't come easy but we can make it a try.
Give other a chance to make up our imperfectness.
Then we will be able to understand the answer to our imperfection.
Why we are here?
We can make the difference only when we share with other to see our imperfectness.
Imperfectness is not the sin to be condemned or to be cursed.
As long as we have faith to believe and courage to change, that life is full of blessing and hope.
We can make the difference not only for ourself but also for rest of humanity.
In fact, it is the gift of love, Forgiveness and compassion that divinely makes humanity come closer to sacredness of life.
This, that makes the difference.

Just find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest.
Don't judge the universe.
Because happiness is not something ready made.
But it comes from your own actions
